Wednesday, July 20, 2011

run, mari, run!

i've started running eight months ago and so far can only run 5-6k... any tips on how to keep your breath??? and your knees? cuz mine have been hurting like crazy lol

i love it though... i'd never thought i'd feel so good running and listening to my iPod... found out that it's a good way to get rid of the stress in life!

and btw.. i'm a huge HARRY POTTER fan... and looooooved the movie!!! here is my happy face going to the movies to see my favorite wizard lol....


Malin said...

I wish I was a runner, but it's just not for me. I've tried, I really have. And a couple of years ago I used to run 1-2 times a week. But it was torture every single time, and I hated every minute of it.. So I just stopped, and tried to find an exercise type that worked for me. Still looking, though I've always got yoga.. (Though that's not as good to get your fitness level up!)

Good look with the running, be proud that you're managing!

Bela said...

Well, my tip is keep on running, be patient and don't give up. I think that's the best way to increase your conditioning :)